Azure Interview Questions And Answers [2020]

What are the different data storage options offered by Azure?


Azure offers following options to store data

1. Azure SQL Database

2. Azure Cosmos DB

3. Azure Blob Storage

4. Azure Data Lake Storage

5. azure Files

6. Azure Queue

7. Disk storage

What options does Azure provide to store relational data?


Azure provides Azure SQL Database, which is based on SQL Server, to store relational data on Azure cloud.

Microsoft azure manages the hardware, software updates, and OS updates so that you can focus on the the application data. In addition it comes with in-build scaling and security.

What are the purchasing options of Azure SQL Database?


Azure SQL Database has two purchasing options.

1. DTU - Database Transaction Unit

2. VCore - Virtual core

What options does Azure provide to store non-relational data?


Azure provides Azure Cosmos DB to store non-relational data.

Azure Cosmos DB provides programming interfaces for SQL databases, MongoDB, Cassandra, and Graph databases.

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