Find the sum of digits of the smallest number in an array

Given an array of integers, find the sum of digits of the smallest number in the array.


- array.length >= 1

- Array is unsorted

- Array can contain duplicate numbers


Input: [20,15,92,44,105]

Output: 6

Explanation: Smallest number in array is 15. Sum of digits is 1+5 = 6

Solution 1

1. Define an int variable - min - to store the smallest number in the array of numbers.

2. Traverse Array and for each element - if min is greater than element, set min to element.

4. After smallest number - min - is identified, determine the sum of digits of min - by continuously dividing min by 10, and the summing the remainder modulus 10.



Time Complexity O(N) - Since we are traversing the array once to determine the smallest number the time complexity is O(N).

Space Complexity O(1) - No copies of the array elements are needed, hence extra space is not needed, so space complexity is O(1).

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